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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

帮我检查一下吧。欢迎一字师,N字师。 有不妥的和能该进的地方千万要说呀!谢谢啦!!!还有,谢谢liliba!!

How to restructure banking system in china has been discussed deeply and effectively in the recent symposium--China Stock Market & Financial Mechanism Reconstructing. In this essay, after examining the successful experience of Guangda Bank, and analyzing current status of state commercial banks—especially the reason of bad assets created in China, a conclusion has been drawn that the flaw of ownership structure and the weakness of organization management are the main causes of many banking problems in China in accordance with the bank management theory. And also by making use of the successful experience in Guangda Bank, this essay states that stock-sharing reconstructing in state commercial banks is the best method to improve the status and the competitiveness of the state commercial banks in China.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / ECONOMICS/FINANCE 的DX,汉译英求助。国内小妹来向我求教,我来求你们啦!拜托拜托。
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    • OK, I'll do it on my own. but what is 不良资产?
      • bad assets.
        • thank you! wait! please don't go. several terms need your help.
        • Are those translation acceptable? 证券市场: stock market. 金融体制改革: financial system (mechanism?)restructuring
          银行业改革: banking system reformimg 国有商业银行: public commercial bank 产权结构: priorietary structure 股份制改造: reforming the share allotment
          • 国有商业银行: State commercial bank 产权结构: Ownership structure 股份制改造 Stock-sharing reconstructure(这里你最好根据上下文翻译,不要死意。)
    • 帮我检查一下吧。欢迎一字师,N字师。 有不妥的和能该进的地方千万要说呀!谢谢啦!!!还有,谢谢liliba!!
      How to restructure banking system in china has been discussed deeply and effectively in the recent symposium--China Stock Market & Financial Mechanism Reconstructing. In this essay, after examining the successful experience of Guangda Bank, and analyzing current status of state commercial banks—especially the reason of bad assets created in China, a conclusion has been drawn that the flaw of ownership structure and the weakness of organization management are the main causes of many banking problems in China in accordance with the bank management theory. And also by making use of the successful experience in Guangda Bank, this essay states that stock-sharing reconstructing in state commercial banks is the best method to improve the status and the competitiveness of the state commercial banks in China.
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      • 中国证券市场Chinese Security Market, not stock market;金融体制financial system; 产权结构 property ownership structure;公司治理 corporate governance;国有商业银行state-owned commercial bank
        近来召开的中国证券市场与金融体制改革研讨会 is not one particular one, so your translation of it better be modified