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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


It says, "This offer allows you an opportunity to enrol in the required first year management and economics courses and apply at the end of first year for admission to the second year of the program you intend to enter."

我的理解就是,即使你是第二学位,也不是保证你进管理系,只是给你第一学年转了四个学分而已,还是]面临再申请的问题。据说竞争交激烈。而我已接受了Brock的offer,要接受多大就必须cancel my previous acceptance。

我查了多大的management,你可以在3、4年级选择方向(stream),其中就有accounting, economic data analysis, finance, human resource management, marketing .....,好像并不和会计完全不同。即使以后考designation,比如CA,多大的BBA你选的课程可以满足CA协会的全部要求。

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 该选择哪一个呢? Toronto -----Brock


    专业:Management and Economics(Pre-Program)
    劣势:给的是Pre-Program,这样的话,第一年需成绩很好,竞争才能进management and economics program。但我的疑问是,给我转了第一年4个学分,第二年1个学分。而且它讲转入第二年program的条件是第一年至少修4个学分,第一年的课程的分数不能低于70,等等。从学分来讲,我可以直接进入第二年。而且,我是第二学位,应该是直接进第二学年的吧。

    • the latter.
      • i mean UT
        • 讲一讲你的观点吧
    • It is up to your future goal,interest,and ability.
      If you prefer to be a professional accountant in Canada,Brock is better.Especially, if you want to get some professional designation in Canada,you may get some exemptions.

      If you prefer to study in a famous university,UT is better,of course.

      It is hard to give you any detail advice,since these two majors -'Accounting'and 'Management and Economics' are almost totally different within this area.

      (I got BEco 7 years ago,now studying MAcc.If you like,pls tell any detail.)
      • 谢谢你,我的麻烦在于多大似乎并没有确定(guarantee)一定能进管理系
        It says, "This offer allows you an opportunity to enrol in the required first year management and economics courses and apply at the end of first year for admission to the second year of the program you intend to enter."

        我的理解就是,即使你是第二学位,也不是保证你进管理系,只是给你第一学年转了四个学分而已,还是]面临再申请的问题。据说竞争交激烈。而我已接受了Brock的offer,要接受多大就必须cancel my previous acceptance。

        我查了多大的management,你可以在3、4年级选择方向(stream),其中就有accounting, economic data analysis, finance, human resource management, marketing .....,好像并不和会计完全不同。即使以后考designation,比如CA,多大的BBA你选的课程可以满足CA协会的全部要求。
        • OK,here my suggestions.
          First of all, I did not know it is a BBA degree in UT. If for accounting stream of this degree, it is almost same impact to get designation as BAcc in Brock.

          However, I remember it takes usually 2 years to get the second bachelor degree of accounting in Brock, right?!According to your information,in UT you need to study nearly 4 years even you have chance to enter the second year.

          So, Brock is better if you are sure about your interest and future goal.

          (In my own opinion, the university's reputation is not comparatively important to get professional designation and become a professional accountant.)