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My advice about expenses on dressing.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Proper dressing will reflect your taste as a gentleman. There is not upside limit for your spending on your dressing, however, there is bottom line difinately. It denends on the nature of your work to select appropriate dress. as an engineer, the business casual could serve your very well, such as oxford shirt, and Khaki. If you are a businessman, dressing is quite important. This is my advice on dressing expenses.
All the price is in US$.
a, 2 sets of suit at least: one naval blue and one stripped grey
Price should be higher than US$500 each if you get it in promotion.
b, Shoes: It's recommended that you should wear one pair of shoes only once every week. However, in most of time, three pairs of laced oxford shoes are enough. Black is formal and brown is in the casual side. The recommended brands are Church's, Alden, and Allen Edmonds. Bottom line, each pair should be over US$150. you will never regret about a good pair of shoes, which are design to serve you for life.
c, shirt, at lease 10, including white, stripped and casual shirts. Brands recommended: Hugo Boss, Zegna or Brook Brothers
d, Necktie: depend on you taste. You need at least half of a dozon
e, Overcoat could be naval blue, brown and blue. You can select any good brands.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 看到那么多朋友在谈西装的问题,这里我就多罗嗦两句吧









    • 置办这么一身行头,您说得多少钱?
      • 衣服重在干净整齐,关键看你如何搭配,与钱何关?
        • 您都说重点是质料了。。。我觉得怎么也得700加币起吧?
          • 我认为干净整齐是第一重要的,这与价格无关,不过,质料好当然价格贵.这要量力而行.无论任何人,如何建立初次见面的第一印象? 50%是衣着! 试问如果自己衣服都穿不好,让人如何对你有信心?
          • 确实要,还不止,我LG一般只看质量,价钱的问题是我考虑的范围. :(
    • 俺也借光说2句,个人觉得,除非极其正规的场合,穿一整套还是比较过分的;同意上衣颜色深一点,衬衫,偏蓝一点,领带,往蓝上靠吧,袜子,该和鞋色一致比较好,鞋,正规时还是大方些的黑色
      • 我见到的一般正式场合(面试、Presentation等)绝大多数人都是suit,很少穿单吊西的。btw, 我也喜欢偏蓝一点的领带衬衫和领带,特别是那种带一点灰色的蓝色。
        • 我觉得去见大客户比去见工更正式,所以,见未来的老板不必太认真:D
      • 搭配不得当不如穿套装,大不了一样不得体。
        • 锄地要不要套装?
          • 穿套装的民工录用机会较大。
            • :D
    • My advice about expenses on dressing.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Proper dressing will reflect your taste as a gentleman. There is not upside limit for your spending on your dressing, however, there is bottom line difinately. It denends on the nature of your work to select appropriate dress. as an engineer, the business casual could serve your very well, such as oxford shirt, and Khaki. If you are a businessman, dressing is quite important. This is my advice on dressing expenses.
      All the price is in US$.
      a, 2 sets of suit at least: one naval blue and one stripped grey
      Price should be higher than US$500 each if you get it in promotion.
      b, Shoes: It's recommended that you should wear one pair of shoes only once every week. However, in most of time, three pairs of laced oxford shoes are enough. Black is formal and brown is in the casual side. The recommended brands are Church's, Alden, and Allen Edmonds. Bottom line, each pair should be over US$150. you will never regret about a good pair of shoes, which are design to serve you for life.
      c, shirt, at lease 10, including white, stripped and casual shirts. Brands recommended: Hugo Boss, Zegna or Brook Brothers
      d, Necktie: depend on you taste. You need at least half of a dozon
      e, Overcoat could be naval blue, brown and blue. You can select any good brands.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net