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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!

sorry, I thought you were talking about the admission. As to the job placement, I don't know exactly what is going on right now, before the Christmas, however,

I was told by a friend who is a 2003 MBA in Rotman that the situation was so, only one chinese got offer.

The job market is really tough in these years, and the size of 2003 is about 180 students, 2004 is roughly 230, and 2005 will be 280. both the number of chinese students and the proportion ars also increasing.

Any body in the current situation has to face the harsh buying-side market, not only those from Rotman, I think people from lots of B-schools face the same problem. hopefully, the economy will be getting better. Also, the integrity of your pre-MBA, your concentration, and your goal of post-MBA is another key for job search, really depending on each individual...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 楼下有人在争北大,清华哪个好,俺的朋友中也有几十号人从商学院出来,点评一把。1。多大。加拿大门槛最高的。
    虽说在各种排名上并不经常第一,但是入学要求常年第一。Finance 是强项。2。western. 名声最大,尤其在美国,老美基本不知道加拿大还有其他商学院。由于地处小城,许多已婚同胞因另一半的工作不愿去,造成GMAT远远低于多大。3。UBC, 西岸唯一一线商学院。在香港名气很大。入学要求不低,我又一朋友被拒后改申请西安大略,成功。4。约克。底子差。近年势头很猛,学校公关能力强。排名上升,但因整个大学不入一流,商学院的印象在本地人中大受影响。5。Queen's and Mcgill。皇后的特色是工科背景的MBA. 瘦死的骆驼比马大。
    • 同意!
    • 同时拿到IVEY和Rotman 的OFFER的申请人有多少人选择ROTMAN?
      • 我的感觉是同时申请两校的人不多。许多人在申请前已有考虑。
        • How did you get a job in the Statistics Canada?
          • Network
            • You are right. Network is not always a good thing, especially for the reanking.
    • 我们多大今年排名上升不一定仅仅是公关的作用。
      • 多大在加拿大首屈一指是没说的。 哈佛商学院也不是老排第一,人们还是觉得哈佛好。 Ievy & Rotman are both very good. 你喜欢哪个哪个就好。
        • The best one isn't necessariely to be the number one.
          • so best one is number ###?
            • Please ask the dean of our Rotman.
              • i heard from him that this year only one chinese student has got an offer, is it ture?
                • Are you kidding?
                  • why
                • This reflects two sides of the reality - tougher job market and less competitive Chinese MBA graduates.
                  • This reflects nothing, because it is no true.
                    • Hope so! Otherwise your ROI would be Zero.
                      • what's ROI?
                        • 吐血
                        • Return on investment.
                    • so pls tell us the truth
                      • As far as I know, so far, a dozen Chinese people have got admission, some are in mainland, some are in NA, still the number is continuously increasing. You can check at Businessweek's MBA forum.
                        • I know. What I was talking about is guys who will graduate this April, not last year, as you know, normally MBA students get offers before graduation. I heard now only one person holds an offer. right?
                          • sorry, I thought you were talking about the admission. As to the job placement, I don't know exactly what is going on right now, before the Christmas, however,
                            I was told by a friend who is a 2003 MBA in Rotman that the situation was so, only one chinese got offer.

                            The job market is really tough in these years, and the size of 2003 is about 180 students, 2004 is roughly 230, and 2005 will be 280. both the number of chinese students and the proportion ars also increasing.

                            Any body in the current situation has to face the harsh buying-side market, not only those from Rotman, I think people from lots of B-schools face the same problem. hopefully, the economy will be getting better. Also, the integrity of your pre-MBA, your concentration, and your goal of post-MBA is another key for job search, really depending on each individual...
    • 咱不知道清华北大哪个好点,但知道都爆炸了:(