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here you are.

文章题目是:canada's top MBAs, 文章分4页,page one主要讲了ivey,rotman,mcgill,ubc等学校对去年排名(york排第一)的不同看法,威胁要退出排名,所以canadian business不得不请了一个顾问公司采用给大公司ceo和HR 经理们法问卷调查的方法进行评估。结果在page four.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / Hi Buddy, which MBA is better, UBC and York University. I have been offered by these two business school. I am very confused which one should i accept.
    However, York is not more famous than UBC. who can give me better opinion for this choice. Thanks A lot.

    DX , can you give me some good opinion for it.

    Thank you again.
    • Congratulations!
      • UBC or YU? Both schools are fine. UBC is better on overall ranking. YU's MBA program at Schulich is more recognized. It all depends on your preference.
    • The tuition fee in BC is lower, and the weather is much nicer there. I've been in UBC for several times. What a beautiful campus! Also, there is a wonderful beach over there. York's MBA program is top 3 in Canada.
      Further more, the job market in Ontario is much much better than that in BC. I would suggest that you take York's offer.
      • york顶多排第5,ivey,rotman,queen's,mcgill那个不比它好?
        • :) look at this
          • 你这是老黄历了,而且其他学校对这个排名意见很大,所以今年canadian business不得不请了一个顾问公司进行评估,结果york排在第六。
            • what about this?
              • monitoba排在前面,这种排名你也相信?建议你去www.canadianbusiness.com去看一看。
            • personally, I think only ivey is better than york
              • 这个排名比较老,去Financial Times看看,York连着三年在加拿大排第三
                • That's what I am saying. York is one of top 3
                  • 其实那些排名的可靠性值得怀疑。如果你想知道加拿大的CEO们和HR mangers 是如何看待这些学校的,就去看看canadian business今年的排名。
                    • I didn't see the ranking of MBA school over there. Can you give me the link?
                      • here you are.
                        文章题目是:canada's top MBAs, 文章分4页,page one主要讲了ivey,rotman,mcgill,ubc等学校对去年排名(york排第一)的不同看法,威胁要退出排名,所以canadian business不得不请了一个顾问公司采用给大公司ceo和HR 经理们法问卷调查的方法进行评估。结果在page four.
                        • thanks jaja. it'll take me a while to finish reading it. BTW, you MBAs do a lot of reading and writing? what a headache! ^_*
              • 个人感觉,york的水分比较大。
                • :) which school are you in?
                  • 不便透露,不过我知道你是york的,对吧?:p
                    • :) hehe, wo ye bu bian tou lu
            • 文人相“亲” 或“轻”?
            • 争先恐后啊,特别是有些老牌的落伍学校。
        • How do you know that?
          • 您最好看完整个话题,再发表意见不迟。
      • 我插个题外话,听说3月份在多伦多有个 National MBA Job Fair,你知道详情吗?
    • Congratulations!York,of course.
      • why
        • ubc is much better, York's reputation is pretty bad (esp. in china and HK), no matter how high is the ranking
          • DX, where do you get the information that York's reputation is bad in HK and China? Can you tell me more? thanks.
          • What is the relationship between ranking and reputation?
    • ^^
      • this is serious topic. If you don't know, please do not publish yr opinion without yr brain.
        • what do u mean? Did I say something wrong?
          • Did you say somthing right?
            • what I said is quoted from Canadian Business. If you know I am wrong, why did you ask this kind of stupid question?
              • Canadian Business 当然是一个角度了。不过等您看过Business Week, Financial Times 和杂志的文章有个清楚认识后,才能避免盲人摸象啊。注意礼貌吧,否则读什么都,啊???
                • 对待没礼貌的人我那么客气干什么?我当然看了他们的排名,所以我认为canadian business今年的排名更说明问题。
                  • 您这句话前后缺乏因果联系啊。再好好想想吧。
    • If you want to study international business, go to UBC.
    • A better B school will be more helpful to you.
      • what you said is nothing, everybody knows.
        • Why don't you know?