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Admission Requirements


Candidates must have a minimum of two years of university stud­ies or a diploma of collegial studies (DCS) from a Quebec College of General and Professional Education (CEGEP), at time of registration. Students holding a French Baccalaureate are also eligible to apply. Although candidates who have completed 60 credits of university study are eligible to apply to McGill, almost all students admitted in the ‘university’ category have completed an undergraduate degree.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 留学生想读法律本科,多伦多或安省哪个大学好啊?语言要求多少分?请执教。
    • lsat...
      • GRE, GMAT, LSAT 被称为是铁人三项,按顺序一项比一项难
        • 不会吧?人家小朋友是读本科哦
          • 读法律要有本科学历,和国内不一样的。
          • 法律的本科和医生的本科是一样的,需要有本科学位才能申请。
            • i dont think so
              • Then go to check the site of law school.
                • i am pretty sure that a bachelor degree is not compulsory, but at least two-year study in univerisity is indispensable
                  • Are we talking about LLB? Here is the requirement of our law school.
                    Bachelor of Laws (Full and Part Time)

                    Regular Applicants

                    The Admissions Committee of the Faculty of Law may admit applicants as regular candidates for the LLB degree if they meet the following qualifications:

                    a) The applicant must have received, with standing satisfactory to the Admissions Committee, the degree of Bachelor of Arts, Science or Commerce, or an equivalent degree from degree-granting college or university recognized by the Senate
                      Admission Requirements


                      Candidates must have a minimum of two years of university stud­ies or a diploma of collegial studies (DCS) from a Quebec College of General and Professional Education (CEGEP), at time of registration. Students holding a French Baccalaureate are also eligible to apply. Although candidates who have completed 60 credits of university study are eligible to apply to McGill, almost all students admitted in the ‘university’ category have completed an undergraduate degree.
                  • Are you very sure. Which uni will you recommend in Ontario?
                    • 1. sorry, i am not in toronto. i am in montreal. 2. i am talking about "requirements", understand? 3. u can always try
                • Which Law school are you talking about?
        • To my opinion, GRE should be the second. :)
          • 是啊,是啊。不知道原来是怎么排的。不过我知道GRE 2400 的,还不知道有谁 GMAT 能拿 800 的 :-)
            • I have lots of approaches to weaken you, but today is an exhausting day. Maybe next time. Wash wash sleep ba!
              • hey, hey, 又不是我这么排的,干吗要 Weaken me?
          • GRE should be the easiest
            • LSAT reading is even easier.
    • Osgoode Hall!
      • Is that a law school?
        • Sure!
    • 考趟LSAT不容易,国际学生名额恐怕也有限,要是我,就把安省每所law school都申请上(反正在Ontario Law School Application Service 统一申请),等offer来了再决定去哪一所。
      • JD/MD? honey, that would be great!
        • 这么漫长的道路还是留给后人去完成吧。